🎧 888hz🔯 Blessing of angels03 /The fortune rises dramatically from the ibis that has begun to listen


Our Angel Blessing series track, [Angel’s Blessing angel wing] is tuned in combination with the angel number frequency 888hz which attracts good luck, the frequency of love and harmony of the universe 528hz, the frequency which opens the door of the heavens 4096hz, and these three special frequencies used in the Japanese ritual with kagura bells.




These are tracks featuring three amazing miracle tones and a combination of special sound sources.-

※ 4096hz sound source, 4096hz frequency tuning fork, gibeon meteorite is applied to recorded. [Gibeon Meteorite] high-dimensional frequency 4096hz × miracle power stone that opens the door of the heavens ▶https://youtu.be/EzcGvpNGn34

Title: Angel’s Blessing Angel wing

It is a track with the motif of “resonate with the gentle wave of angels”.

Please spend a relaxing time surrounded by the positive energy of the wave and healing that the kindness of angels are transmitted.

▶ Message: 369 (Miroku)

▶ Video Information

Title: Angel’s Blessing Angel wing

Frequency adjustment: 369 (Miroku)

Arrangement: 369 (Miroku)

(c) 2020 HITOTSU369™

▶ video description

The music used in this video is legally purchased from 250music, and it arranges and adjusts the frequency in its own style.

, In its own style, we are arranging and adjusting the frequency. Reuse of all channel videos and images is prohibited.

About ▶ Composer 369 (Miroku)

Artist 369 is a meditator and meditation music composer.

Genres are usually relaxation, healing, meditation and spirituality.