Welcome to 369official, The Music of Spiritual Growth

Introduction to 369Official


We produce meditation music and sleep music using special frequencies such as the Solfeggio frequency.

Currently, YouTube operates three channels: “369 Music”, “KATAKAMUNA369” and “HITOTSU369”.

The frequency at the popular angel number is a special frequency that strengthens the connection with higher dimensions and makes music for movies.

In addition, we also utilize frequencies that contain many spiritual messages, such as frequencies that make use of the characteristics of the Solfeggio frequency.

Our meditation music will bring a positive change to your reality.

Artist introduction

My name is 369(MIROKU). From my many years of meditation experience, I have found that meditating with special frequencies and sources can provide spiritual growth and deep healing. Since then, I have studied, composed and developed meditation music. I believe that pleasant sounds and music help the world with positive energy.



Are you ready to discover a new world?

Our healing meditation can change your reality already from the first session.
Because you can expect a powerful update of your subconscious.

Connection with light source.

We will help you

Awaken your soul and find the destiny of your life

Get joy, harmony and strength to make your dreams come true!

Complete freedom from negative programs and beliefs


Let’s move to a new happy life

Our music opens the door to a new reality that you are the creator of life.
The reality of being free from all negative attitudes, fear, doubt, and blocks is full of waves of love.
If you can carve new energy of light, there is a wonderful world waiting for you.

Our earth is truly a paradise.
We came here to remind you of this.
Our music helps you return to the state of light when you came to this earth.

You were not made to live in suffering every day, but to know yourself and reveal all your beauty of soul greatness.

Our healing meditation music crosses the boundaries of the world.

A world full of miracles and new and fun discoveries.
It really helps to get there.
During the process of meditation, one connects with the higher self and in fact always gets available energy, but to receive it, one has to wake up and reunit with the source of light.

YouTube Official Channel

369 Miroku Music