大天使ウリエルの守護archangel uriel,blessing,angel vibrations,888hz,963hz,4096hz,ウリエル,天使の祝福,HITOTSU369

The Guardian of The Archangel Uriel

Our Archangel Guardian Series Track, “The Blessing of The Archangel Uriel”, attracts 963hz of sacred frequencies, 4096hz of frequencies that open the doors of the heavens, angel number frequency 888hz that attracts good luck. These three special frequencies are tuned in combination with a steel drum that resonates with your consciousness by vibrating the space comfortably.




These are tracks featuring three amazing miracle tones and a combination of special sound sources.

※ 4096hz sound source, 4096hz frequency tuning fork, gibeon meteorite is applied to recorded.

[Gibeon Meteorite] high-dimensional frequency 4096hz × miracle power stone that opens the door of the heavens


Title: “The Guardian of The Archangel Uriel” “Entrusting the purification of anxiety, fear, and negative energy to the archangel Lauriel” is a track with the motif.

Feel the energy of the archangel Uriel, and spend a relaxing time embraced by a gentle frequency.

▶ Message: 369 (Miroku)

▶ Video Information

Title: “The Blessing of The Archangel Uriel”

Composition: 369 (Miroku)

Arrangement: 369 (Miroku)

(c) 2020 HITOTSU369™

▶ video description

The music used in this video is unique style, composing, arranging, and adjusting frequencies.

Reuse of all channel videos and images is prohibited.

HITOTSU369 creates videos for healing, mental growth, and aspiration realization from the subconscious. ※ It has become a high wave due to special effects. *High wave frequency penetrates the DNA level at the speed of sound.

 Meditation music

Healing music

Sleep music

These are tuned together with the ultimate wave.

◆Who is The Archangel Uriel?

Archangel Michael

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Rafael

Archangel Uriel

Uriel is one of the four archangels.

Uriel is considered to be the most intelligent angel ever known as the “Wisdom Angel.”.

The name Uriel means “the light of God”.

It is uriel, an archangel who plays a role in protecting human beings from disasters such as changes in the earth’s environment, earthquakes, floods, etc. in the luminescent body in heaven.

It is said that the angel who informed and gave a warning that noah’s great flood was coming.

The archangel Uriel is responsible for giving prophecies and warnings to certain situations.

If there is a imminent danger, it is a archangel who warns immediately and protects it.

If you want to prevent plague or disaster, call Uriel to protect you.

In addition, even if the damage is done by any emergency, it will help if you wish for an early recovery.

When something serious happens, it is an angel who comes near by and helps.

The Alchemy of The Archangel Uriel

The painting that the archangel Uriel holds the book is famous.

This means that Uriel is the “angel of wisdom” who brought the knowledge of alchemy to “turn worthless metals into precious metals.”

Uriel’s alchemy was the ability of man to turn something worthless into something of value.

If something goes wrong, they’ll give you a practical solution or idea.


When you are in trouble, you can lend your wisdom by calling the archangel Uriel and telling you specifically what is happening.

Don’t hesitate to ask me.

Angels are the rule of law to respect the free will of man.

If you call, you’ll come to help, but if you don’t call, you’ll never come to help.

Then, if you come up with an idea, it’s proof that Uriel is around.

Living in a state of global plague, disaster, illness, and money anxiety can be a great stress.

The stress is imprinted into the subconscious, and positive thinking becomes difficult.

Then, it becomes a more negative phenomenon to appear as a phenomenon in front of eyes.

No one wants a negative phenomenon.

However, in that state, negative sisension.

Because all my own thoughts create my own reality.

Let’s ask The Archangel Uriel not to do so and overcome this hardship together.

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About ▶ Composer 369 (Miroku)

Artist 369 is a meditator and meditation music composer.

Genres are usually relaxation, healing, meditation and spirituality.