Guardian angel hug – Deep Love –

1111hz-hug-of-guardian-angel.frequencies-of-god,deep-love-vibrationsm守護天使の抱擁,深い愛,369 Miroku Mind

Our new track, “Hugs of Guardian Angels-Deep Love-“, extends the angel number frequency of 1111hz, the sacred frequency of 963hz + the DNA repair frequency of 528hz + consciousness to 285hz.

Tuning is performed by combining a total of 4 special frequencies.
・ 1111hz + 963hz + 528hz + 285hz

The track features a combination of these four amazing miraculous tones.

Title: Hugs of Guardian Angels-Deep Love-
The track is characterized by bass sound because it has the motif of “Deep love of guardian angels”.

This vibration allows contact with higher dimensional consciousness by entering the meditation state at the same time as the body chakra reacts from the beginning of listening.

Enjoy a relaxing time.
Message: 369 (Miroku)