miraculous medal🔯saint mary✤Fate increases when you listen✤BoundlessAbundance


528hz | The Miracle of the Virgin Mary | Miracle Medai |

Our track, “528hz The Harbor of the Virgin Mary Miracle Medai”, is a 963hz of sacred frequency, dna repair frequency, and a frequency of love and harmony of the universe 528hz and a frequency that opens the door of the heavens 4096hzz.

These three special frequencies are tuned in combination with special sound sources.




It is a track characterized by a combination of three amazing miracle tones and special sound sources.

※ 4096hz sound source, 4096hz frequency tuning fork, gibeon meteorite is applied to recorded.

[Gibeon Meteorite] high-dimensional frequency 4096hz × miracle power stone that opens the door of the heavens


Title: “528hz Virgin Mary’s Hug Miracle Medai”

It is a track with the motif “Entrust the purification of negative energy to the Virgin Mary and wish for a miracle”.

Feel the Virgin Mary, embrace the gentle and powerful energy of the high dimension, and spend a relaxing time.

▶ Message: 369 (Miroku)

▶ Video Information

Title: “528hz Miracle of the Virgin Mary Miracle Medai”

Composition: 369 (Miroku)

Arrangement: 369 (Miroku)

(c) 2020 HITOTSU369™

▶ video description

The music used in this video is unique style, composing, arranging, and adjusting frequencies.

Reuse of all channel videos and images is prohibited.

◆What is the Medal of Miracle Sedai?

The miracle meddai was created in 1830 when Maria appeared in front of a nun named Catalina Rabre in a church in Paris, France, and was told to make this model.

It is also called “miracle medai” because various miracles have occurred by wearing this medai.

The miracle meddai begins with the emergence of the Virgin Mary in the Basilica of Paris.

The Virgin Mary showed a model of the medal, and in its form the medai was built and told, “Those who wear it will receive great blessings.”

In Paris, 1,500 people who were informed were healed from cholera and rabies.

On the table of The Medai, the Virgin Mary stands on the earth, and under her feet is a snake that is a symbol of Satan.

On the back of the oval, there is a large M character on the cross with a circle of twelve stars, the heart of Jesus Christ with a crown surrounded by thorns (only the heart of Jesus), and the heart of the Virgin Mary with the crown and sword ….

About ▶ Composer 369 (Miroku)

Artist 369 is a meditator and meditation music composer.

Genres are usually relaxation, healing, meditation and spirituality.